Privacy Policy

Privacy and Cookie Notice

Privacy Notice for Xoranges Health Limited Customers accessing our website

This Privacy Notice was last updated on 7thMarch 2023

We understand how important your personal information is. This privacy notice will inform you how Xoranges Health Limited uses and looks after your personal information when you visit and shop with us or use any of our services, use our website, buy products from us, or download and interact with our apps.

Our website and apps are not intended for children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal information relating to children.

Please be aware that this privacy notice may be updated from time to time.

Cookie Policy

So that you can make full use of the interactive features on our website, your computer, mobile phone or other device (all referred to here as device) will need to accept cookies.

Here you can see what cookies may be sent to your device by and what we use each cookie for. You can reject cookies, but please bear in mind that if you do this, certain personalised features of this website cannot be provided to you.